Chiropractic for Sports

Chiropractic care can play a very important role in achieving and maintaining optimal balance within your body. Chiropractic care can help with enhancement of your sporting performance, rehabilitation after a sports injury as well as preventing injuries before they can occur.

Every coach wants their athletes, as well as every athlete wants to perform at their best whilst they are training and competing. It does not matter if you are a cyclist, rower, runner, swimmer or gymnast; the end goal is to perform at your peak. 

To excel in the sports arena, your body needs to function optimally. Chiropractic care can play a very important role in achieving and maintaining optimal balance within your body. Chiropractic care can help with enhancement of your sporting performance, rehabilitation after a sports injury as well as preventing injuries before they can occur. This is done by enhancing the function of your nervous system, restoring proper joint motion throughout your body as well as enhancing muscular balance. Regular chiropractic care can improve your reaction time, mobility, flexibility and co-ordination while decreasing your risk of injury and aiding in faster recovery time.

Many athletes such as: Golfer - Tiger Woods, Tennis player - Roger Federer, Swimmer – Michael Phelps, Runner – Usain Bolt, Soccer player – Cristiano Ronaldo, to name a few get regular chiropractic care. They do this while training and prior to any competitions to ensure they perform at their peak. They then receive treatment after competition to enhance their recuperative process after the stress placed on their bodies during their events.

Most sporting injuries are due to repetitive micro strains caused by incorrect joint movements, sudden movements or accidents. Sporting injuries often include conditions like sprains, strains, tendonitis and bursitis. You can help prevent these injuries by getting regular chiropractic care.

Research has shown that chiropractic care can significantly improve mobility, agility, balance, power, reaction time and kinaesthetic perception (Awareness of your body and limb position). Chiropractic can also improve attention span and concentration levels.

For athletes, regular chiropractic care is essential for optimising performance. In the same way that you would not drive a car without getting a regular service, a chiropractic ‘tune up’ should be considered a regular part of your sporting preparation. This will allow you to perform at your peak, as well as minimising injury and enhancing recovery.